Summary & Sample Chapters

The lands of Luda are home to fairies and feral keshe, lizard-like aquaros, cyclops, four-armed spidra, and even humans. But perhaps most wondrous are the god-like Aspects who grow in size and number with each sacrifice that is given to them. Cities and sprawling tribes have risen around these silent, immortal beings due to the powerful magics the Aspects bestow upon those who provide them with the offerings they desire. 

Tif has always wanted to be the first human Archon, leader of the mountain city of Lercel, pledged to Aspects of Gold. But the Archon must be a knight first, and knighthood requires a tribute to gain the Aspects’ tattooed blessings. Living with her family in the lows, getting by with her wits on the das board, she has little to spare. Most of what Tif does make goes to her parents or the lotto–her only hope of one day buying the gold she needs. 

But Tif doesn’t let her chances get her down. She knows that with enough work and a little bit of luck anything is possible. 

Here are the first 3 chapters:

1 – Making a Living

2 – Stargazing

3 – An Unexpected Ride

And the rest of what is currently written can be found on Royal Road.